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2323 E. Olympic Blvd. Ste. 4
Los Angeles, CA
United States


Black Rock V

The Collection

Black Rock V


Black Rock V

from $85.00
Affirmation: "I am in complete control of my emotions!"

Pyrite has been found throughout legends and folklore as the "Healer's Stone" as it was worn to protect against infections to maintain an ideal state of health. It received it's name from the Greek work "pyr" which means "fire" and it can be cleansed and recharged by the rays of the sunlight. When worn, it is believed to help strengthen the connection between the creative right and the logical left halves of the brain and attracts wealth and good fortune.

Materials: gold/sterling silver chain, gold glass bead, Pyrite


**There may be minor differences on certain stones in color, size, and pattern. This is a lovely reminder of the infinite amount of subtle varieties present in our universe.**

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