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2323 E. Olympic Blvd. Ste. 4
Los Angeles, CA
United States



     Jewelry has been prevalent in our history beginning as early as 75,000 years ago. Remains of pieces consisting of sea shells, mammoth tusks, and ostrich egg shells reveal the initial pull from natural surroundings to create pieces of adornment. More recently in history, Egyptian mysticism allowed for a new wave of design including the addition of precious metals, colored glass, and crystals. We can see these materials still used today but it would seem that the market has been flooded with plastics, cheap metals and single pieces that are re produced a million times over. Where has the originality gone? If a jewelry piece is an adornment that reflects one's self, should it not be made with care consisting of beautiful, natural, and timeless materials?  There was power in the early Egyptian pieces; a subtle and everlasting magic that could connect one on a path with a higher self. This is the path that Jamieson chooses to take. 

Jamieson lives by the following:

All of our pieces are handmade. There may be minor differences on certain stones in color, size, and pattern. This is normal for all jewelry involving stone and precious metals. 

We use nontarnishable metals and gems but we recognize that sometimes nature works in mysterious ways. Please contact to find out how to replace a tarnished piece. Remember to treat your delicate jewelry with care!

Metals (chain, wire, hooks) for all pieces will be either gold fill, sterling silver, or rose gold fill. 


Mallory Jamieson Emrich



Aubree Nicole Galbiso

Director of Operations