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2323 E. Olympic Blvd. Ste. 4
Los Angeles, CA
United States


Selene Necklace

The Collection

Selene Necklace


Selene Necklace

from $40.00

Affirmation: "All around me I feel boundless protection!"

Clear Quartz is one of the of the most divine stones since it has connections with all elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. This is the crystal that powers and brings life into manifestations. It increases the power and potency of all other crystals that are near it and is the main ingredient for all Protection Spells. It is ideal to wear quartz during meditation as it powers the connection between body and mind. 

Materials: gold/sterling silver chain, gold glass beads, Quartz


**There may be minor differences on certain stones in color, size, and pattern. This is a lovely reminder of the infinite amount of subtle varieties present in our universe.**

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