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2323 E. Olympic Blvd. Ste. 4
Los Angeles, CA
United States


Yami Hoops

The Collection

Yami Hoops


Yami Hoops

from $115.00

Affirmation: "I am light, love, and all things that they touch!"

Chrysoprase is a true powerhouse. It is governed by the sun and is one of the twelve stones of the Elemental World. Chrysoprase is connected to the heart chakra helping to activate new energies while mending current psychological wounds by encouraging self expression and self love. It is a quick cure for negative thoughts and mental tension which is why this stone is related to happiness and balance. Feel beautiful while you feel the love!

Materials: gold/rose gold wire, gold/sterling silver wire, rose gold wire/sterling silver wire, gold fill hooks, Chrysoprase 


**There may be minor differences on certain stones in color, size, and pattern. This is a lovely reminder of the infinite amount of subtle varieties present in our universe.**


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